Greetings from the Yarny Hearts Household!
I've been very naughty and once again neglected my blogging, I say neglected, I actually keep forgetting that I have one!
Not much has really happened here in the gap between posts, nothing overly exciting, but then nothing overly dramatic either, life has been speeding by and I can't quite believe we're almost halfway through the year! I find that quite sad as in just over five months my Baby Bear will be THREE! There's mixed emotions there, pride at having such a grown up little person whom everyone comments on how polite and good natured she is and sadness at how quickly these precious baby years go by.
With the weather warming up Baby Bear and I have had many afternoons at the park
You must excuse the Windswept I-Can't-Do-A-Thing-With-My-Hair look! Someone's currently at a stage where hair bobbles, bands, hats, coats and random articles of clothing are constantly removed!
Baby Bear also discovered the first flush of Young Love!
And went on a ride all by herself for the first time!
(Again, excuse the hair!)
We planted some sunflowers, courtesy of our parrots food mix (!!) Baby Bear planted the seeds all by herself! We were amazed when they began to grow, here they are this morning!
I shall transfer them into individual pots in a few days if they continue to survive the Little Gardener!
I've also been presented with many very special, very elaborate and very unique bouquets A'la Baby Bear!
As I mentioned earlier I was shocked when I realised that we're almost halfway through the year. This year I planned to turn a very magnolia house into a lovely bright and colorful home. I've achieved nothing in that department! All that's actually happened is that a very new, plain house has become a plain, messy house! So I decided to crack on with it! Unfortunately I seemed to lose my mojo for a few weeks. I kept scouring charity shops, boot sales and craft stores for things but nothing seemed to excite or inspire me. I've been looking for some old and unusual prints for the walls, maybe an interesting blank card, which are always fab framed if they don't have a greeting on the front, but again, nothing.
I started many crochet projects half hearted, only to give in a few rows in. I seemed totally disillusioned, flat and, to give it a technical term, Bleugh!
For inspiration I turned to
Ravelry. I ordered a pack of 17 different
Lucy inspired colours from
Masons (amazing service and super speedy delivery by the way!) and set to work on a new project.
I really wanted to brighten up my sofas, cream sofas, cream walls and beige carpeting-not me at all! So I made a throw for my two seater sofa seat cushions. I initially decided to make separate seat and back throws for my larger sofa, as it's HUGE-8 feet arm to arm, but decided that it would be good to do for both of them, then I can make lots of smaller throws and mix and match, it will never get boring!
Ten days later I had this
Last night I decided to whip up another
Attic24 creation and Ta-Da!!
We did have one drama whilst I've been away, a couple of weeks ago we lost Clyde! I couldn't find him anywhere! I scoured the area, rang vets, animal shelters, knocked door to door, but there was no sign of him anywhere. If he heard me calling he would come to me, I was sure of it, so after 24 hours I was convinced that he was gone forever. He's an indoor cat, had gotten out as my husband came in the front door, so my mind was filled with images of him being chased away by the local tom cats, lost, alone, afraid and even worse. The following afternoon my husband called me from the site he was working on, whilst loading up the lorry to come home they had investigated a strange noise coming from beneath and there was Clyde, sat on the chassis, afraid and dirty but very relieved! The silly boy had obviously climbed on, we don't know when, then stayed on even when the lorry was started and left running for five minutes before leaving. He travelled over twenty miles to the work site, where he sat under there for nine hours whilst they worked, making himself known when they finished! It's so lucky he didn't fall off whilst in transit or jump off when they stopped and get lost miles from home! He came home in the cab much to his relief and looked rather pitiful covered in oil! He was booked into the vets for a pre-neutering check two days later and after a quick word with the vet who said if he was eating and drinking OK, and seemed OK in himself not to take him in until his appointment, he had a bath and lots of cuddles.
He had a couple of minor burns on his pads, had broken a few claws but got the all clear from the vet.
Here he is after his bath!
Wow, for a quick update I've really prattled on! I shall go now, and leave you with a couple of silly doodles I've done this afternoon-drawing really isn't my strong point!