Hello, and welcome to my world...This blog is currently a work in progress and a huge learning curve for me so please do visit again! It will improve with time! Love, Mummy Bear x

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Moving on-a new blog

I didn't really keep to my blog, I think it's because I initially set it up to record my crochet progress, then found out that I was pregnant and I had a lot more to keep up with than crochet! I found it difficult to find the words, they wouldn't flow, and it's sat neglected for a while.

I love the idea of recording our life through a blog, so have created a new one: And Baby Makes Four! It will still record my (at the moment rather slow) crochet, as well as my three year old, the new baby, our lives in general and the animals. I do hope that some of you will come over with me.

It's very bare at the moment, but I'm working on it!


Much love to you all xxx

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Testing, testing...

Just a little drivel from me as I attempt technology and try to post from my new iPhone my lovely hubby treated me to a couple of days before our new little bundle arrived!

Friday, 6 January 2012

New Year, New Me!

Happy New Year everyone!

One of my New Year Goals is to blog at least twice a week, as I intended to when I started. I'm thinking twice a week should be achievable, even with the new baby, who's actually going to be making an appearance in the next 9 weeks! Time's flown by!

Other goals include:

1) Being MORE organised-I missed/had to reschedule SO MANY appointments last year it was embarrassing!

2) Keeping the house tidier/more organised. My house is clean, but gets terribly cluttered. Baby Bear started nursery on wednesday, she'll be going 5 afternoons per week. It takes half an hour to walk each way. Even with 'Bump Recovery Time' which involves unlocking the door, making a cup of tea and collapsing in the nearest chair gasping for a few minutes, I have a good hour and a half to two hours in which to make a dent in the housework. So I began reading about Flylady, though it looked confusing armed with my new snazzy pink A5 page per day diary I began jotting and planning and it's taking shape nicely. I SHALL be an organised person with a tidy house and not have to sprint around throwing junk in cupboards before anyone visits...I shall!

3) Save some money. I have no idea where it goes! Hard working Daddy Bear puts in a lot of overtime, we get paid weekly, yet still have more week than money! We don't go out, budget the shopping etc and I'm stumped! I really need to look into this!

I'll be back in a bit recapping what 'Flying' I've achieved whilst B-B's at nursery, we have to leave shortly. xx